Guiding our second language learners down their ‘Path to Proficiency.’
Creating a safe space for learners to take risks and make mistakes as they build confidence in their ability to speak Onkwehonwehnéha. Learning crucial aspects of our distinct cultural identity as Rotinonhsión:ni. Targeting speaking, listening, reading, and writing the language. Providing vocabulary-rich content that allows students’ language proficiency to flourish. Providing multiple opportunities during the school year to practice speaking.

Path To Proficiency
What is your understanding of the word proficiency when it refers to language?
Proficiency refers to a language learner’s ability to use a language, such as Onkwehonwehnéha, across various situations, regardless of how familiar you are with a topic. Your use of the language is unrehearsed, and you can come up with language on the spot!
It’s all about what you can do with the language regardless of when, where, or how the language was learned or acquired.

Tsi Nitiótte Iakokwénion Aiontá:ti

Ostawen'shòn:'a tánon' Kanehwáien
Horn rattles & Water drums
IWS had these specially made for the students to acknowledge their effort and interest in our traditional music. Renowned horn rattle and water drum artisan Mr. Lynley Green worked diligently over the Mid-Winter of 2022 to complete these for our students.