School Policies

We believe that it is important that students be on time for school and to class. By being prompt, the student and family are demonstrating self-discipline and responsibility. Self-discipline in this area is not only crucial for proper achievement; it is essential for the development of personal habits which are characteristics for success later in life. 

Quality education requires regular student involvement. Irregular attendance deprives the student of an opportunity for effective learning. It is the responsibility of the student and parents/guardians to create habits, punctuality and regular attendance.

Frequent absences deprive one of the learning experience, and disrupt the continuity of the educational process. Students who frequently miss school experience difficulty due to losing out on the benefits of regular classroom instructions.

Attendance and Tardiness

  • Students are expected to be at school at 8:00 m. sharp.
  • Please call the school by 7:45 a.m. to inform Cathy of your child’s absence, delay, or early dismissal at (450) 632-3258 or via email at
  • Students signed out before 11:45 a.m. will be counted as absent.
  • Letters will be sent home when a student misses 3, 6, and 10 days.
  • Indian Way school has a 10 (ten) day maximum absence per year school policy.
  • Students with a monthly attendance record indicating three (3) or more unexcused absences, tardies, or early dismissals within this time will receive a letter of concern regarding these absences.

When in class, students will:

Classroom Rules
  • Work quietly and not disturb others
  • Listen when others are speaking
  • Be prepared for class every day
  • Cooperate
  • Respect our teaching and non-teaching staff
  • Always do their best
  • Keep their hands and feet to themselves
  • Watch their language

Please review Indian Way School Classroom Rules by clicking the link below:

Classroom Rules

Homework Policy

Homework is an essential part of the educational program for the student. At Indian Way School homework must be “do-able,” i.e. the student should be able to complete his/her homework with little assistance. Therefore, homework is individualized to the appropriate level of difficulty for the student.

Homework is used to supplement the class work and strengthen the student’s understanding of what he/she is studying. Parents are encouraged to cooperate with the school by seeing that assignments are completed daily and on time.

Students will receive homework assignments Monday through Thursday.

  • Homework should always be done neatly to avoid having to “do it over again.”
  • If assignments are handed in “sloppy,” it will not be accepted, and it will have to be redone during recess or lunch.

Students should be reminded to take their books, work, and supplies to school each day.

Bully Free School

We believe that everyone should enjoy our school equally, and feel safe, secure, and accepted regardless of: popularity, athletic ability, intelligence, height/weight, religious beliefs, etc. Bullying is not acceptable behavior at Indian Way School. Bullying will not be tolerated and will be just cause for immediate disciplinary action.

Disciplinary action may include, but is not limited to:

  • Recess/lunch detention or after school detention.
  • In school suspension (ISS)
  • Out of school suspension (OSS)
  • Expulsion

School Bus Rules

Riding the bus is a privilege provided to our students, and proper behaviour on the school bus is imperative. Students are expected to behave properly in a non-disruptive manner while on the bus. Inappropriate behaviour may result in the parents/guardians having to find other means of transportation for their child.

  • ​Students must obey the bus monitor/bus driver at all times.
  • Students must remain seated in their assigned seats at all times.
  • Students must not eat or drink while riding the bus.
  • Students must never try to open the emergency door of the bus.
  • Students will be held responsible for any damage caused to the bus.
  • Students must keep their hands, arms, and heads inside the bus windows.


Please review Indian Way School Bus Rules by clicking the link below:

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Nutrition Policy

Indian Way School’s nutrition policy has been developed according to Kahnawà:ke’s Nutrition Education recommendations. We aim to ensure that school lunches and snacks contribute to your child’s healthy growth and development.

Research shows that students who eat well will likely learn better, be more active, and make healthier food choices later in life. 

When preparing your child’s lunch, opt for whole grains, fruits, veggies, calcium-rich foods, and lean protein foods. Products with few or no essential nutrients and high amounts of fat, sugar, preservatives, and sodium (e.g., deep-fried foods, doughnuts, soda, energy drinks, “junk and fast foods”) are not permitted.

Cell Phone and Digital Devices

The use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices are prohibited at Indian Way School. Students must use the office phone to call home for forgotten lunch, laptop, homework or illness.

  • Students are not allowed to receive calls during school hours.
  • Only parents/guardians should telephone to convey important messages.
  • If a student is caught with a personal electronic device during school hours, staff members will ask for the device and turn it into the office.
  • The school shall not be liable for the loss, damage or misuse of any personal electronic device brought to school by a student.

School News

Read all news


8 January 2025


23 September 2024
Indian Way School Calendar ~ 2024-2025

Indian Way School Calendar ~ 2024-2025

26 August 2024
Let’s Talk Nutrition

Let’s Talk Nutrition

27 February 2023

Good morning, students! Did you know that eating healthy foods can help you have a great day at school? It’s true! When you eat nutritious foods, you give your body the energy it needs to learn and play.

Indian Way School 1972-2022

Indian Way School 1972-2022

26 February 2023

Indian Way School to Mark Its 50th Anniversary Alma Marie Diabo (Administrator) at Indian Way School is excited to announce the school’s 50th Anniversary. The school has been in operation since 1972! ​An in-school celebration is planned for Friday, August 27th. Staff and students will celebrate this milestone with a full day of fun activities […]